SRB Solutions are Educators and Advocates for the online & offline marketing success of chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists and spa owners.
People ask us what SRB means. SRB is Smart Results Based Solutions for your Practice – so how does that affect your practice? We provide proven strategies to achieve the goals for your practice. Your perfect Solution can be harnessing the power of one or more services we provide for our clients.
Even though the one common goal for every practitioner is to have more patients and customers on their tables, each practice can have a unique way of achieving that goal. We build lasting relationships by having conversations and listening to our clients’ needs. Next we strategically build a unique formula that works for your practice. .
We are not a component company offering just one cookie cutter solution. Your strategy may be a combination of two or more services we offer. These combinations may be items like SEO, Reputation Manufacturing, Social Media, Mobile Apps, Review systems, Local Ranking, Website design, Mobile Marketing, Graphics and design for Print materials, Mobile Websites, Auto-responder systems, Press Release, Blog management, Video Marketing, or Article marketing services.
When we meet one on one to develop the best solution for your practice we will want to find out more about your practice, your goals and aspirations of your dream practice. You can start today by completing this Marketing Audit and scheduling your 30 min conversation today.